Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Overtime... chattin'...

Okay this is my second night sticking with my officemate's overtime. hahaha.. Since i am so deprived of Internet connection in the house (my sisters are always using the pc) I was given the chance to surf in our kaisha.. (thank God!)

This week was so exhausting attending to shin nikkeijin applications. So I thought why not unwind, surf the net, chat, and eat doubledutch ice cream! [nikkeijins always give food c",) ]

As I was surfing the net, Nori-san and Chet were talking about masonry, politics and other intellectual topics which I realized I was already behind the conversation. I envy them and I pity myself... How I wish I could talk like them too... I'll pose it a challenge for myself to be knowledgeable on the matters. But right now, I'll enjoy myself surfing the net and chatting... hahaha

I think I have to go now... Got something to catch up!