Sunday, July 31, 2011

Just thinking on some medical investments

My cousin asked me if I can buy her an affordable nebulizer for her allergy from my friend who is working in a medical company, specifically selling medicines. Since she is a medical representative, we thought that maybe she can have it on a discounted price, which reminds me that I should be calling her by now. Geez..

Speaking of medicine representatives, today is my Aunt’s death anniversary. She was once a medrep and became the director of a known medical corporation handling big products and technologies in the medicine field. It was just ironic that she was working for a medical company yet the medicines she were selling did not save her from her illness. But yes, life is finite.

With existing and future (mutation) diseases, medicines are partly becoming basic needs of man, a patch to life’s continuity.

There are emerging medicines, treatment facilities and technologies, which in no doubt is becoming a good business. Which led me to think, if I will be investing on such field, will it multiply the money I will risk? If yes, then I better look for the best medical penny stocks for investment. I know this is not easy way searching but well, the internet is always a good souce.