Thursday, May 28, 2009

Feel Good, Look Good

I just had a conversation with a good friend this afternoon. A friend of hers told her that she is growing prettier recently. 'Maybe you just feel good and that reflects the aura', I told her. She laughed and approved after I reminded her that the previous environment she has was toxic.

Aside from the piles of work she had in the past, she became unhappy toward the management, toward the BOSS. Her workmates were great. She had no problems with them. But they are not enough to console everything. She hadn't realized she was growing old, unconsciously stressed out with the duties and the management. She later realized, left and found a new place.

Now, everytime I look at her I see a bright personality. She may have great responsibilities at work but she greatly works with her boss and she loves what she's doing. She looks good because she feels good in everything.

The people around us affect how we think and feel because we are constantly moving with them. Fortunately, this friend of mine has found her place and she's unceasingly thriving for fulfillment and self-worth.