Friday, August 07, 2009

The Gift I Have

A friend once gave me one variety of a tree some 5 years ago (or maybe 7, I forgot). It was still a plant when it was given. I remembered I was still in my college years those times. It was something I never gave much attention to or taken cared much as I was an ideal but typical student, concerned of getting a higher mark to maintain my academic privilege. Years gone by and I hardly noticed that the plant turned into a tree and was growing healthier and bigger, even without me taking care of it. Nature really has its way of everything. I was amazed. Soon I tried nursing it by my own hands. It did grew well.

This tree is an inspiration. It gives me joy. Everyday I look forward to seeing it, wanting to see that it is healthy and fine. The anticipation is a vitamin that energizes me. That beyond these anxieties and troubles I have, I still have this wonderful gift making me feel I have conquered my fears and the world.

Nature has its give and take cycles, I know. Yet, this, the gift that was given to me even if cannot speak the language I am speaking, just the presence of it is a joy for me. They have said I must give back to Nature the nursing so I can take care of other things too because Nature brings back everything to dust. And they knew that this will bring me to grief. And yes, I am trying to let go of the nursing; bringing it back to Nature slowly.

I know that soon I can finally let Nature take care of it in full. The tree will have to meet day and night but all in accordance to Nature. It will grow bigger and sturdy but it will also have to return to the earth's crust. It may not be soon. But the Acacia Tree will, eventually.