Saturday, June 07, 2008

Obama to Represent the Democrats

Senator Barack Obama win the victory over Hillary Clinton in the race for the presidential nomination of the democratic party. It has been six months these two politicians gone over debates and campaigns to win the heart of the Americans. Just this Tuesday, Obama finally got the nomination from the party making him the first black American bi-racial American nominee for the presidency. To win the poll, one must have a vote of 2,118 from the party delegates all over United States. Obama got 2,181 while Clinton has 1,919 votes.

Billionaire Bob Johnson plans to urge Obama thru the Congressional Black Caucus to offer Clinton the vice presidency slot but news have it that Obama named Caroline Kennedy, daughter of the late John F. Kennedy, and former Deputy U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to be in the vice presidency team. For now, we have to wait for more of the latest on this tight electoral race.


Amee said...

LOved this post...
I added your url to my blog..

but if you would like... I cud add a name to it..
just unsure of what to add..