Friday, May 30, 2008

Felt Dizzy

Pregnant? mmmm... One of the symptoms of pregnancy is dizziness but am sure I'm not. Thought my fever was over but when I arrived in the office seems the room was spinning and I was sweating cold. The weather is not good these days and my ascorbic acid of 1000mg was not enough to protect me from flu and colds. (I am taking 3000mg daily but I ran out of it today) I want to take a rest from work but responsibilities won't allow me. I have a schedule for orientation today and I must not miss it. The pay (it's pay day today)may wait next week but this task don't so I must be present. Thank God I was able to stood up and did my task inspite of this sickness. I planned to relax tomorrow but I must be in the office to fulfill another pile of tasks. Jaa, ganbarimasu!