Friday, January 09, 2009

Between Good and Evil

Are humans evil or good by nature? This is the question posed primarily by Paulo Coelho's The Devil and Miss Prym. Being good or evil can be affected by either punishment or reward. The book answered with an implication that greatly depends on the individuality of a person. In the end, what emerged is the choice of a person and how influential the Voice is within.

I never thought I would be battling between good and evil. Not until this morning. The situation is different from the story of Miss Prym for I would not be receiving reward nor punishment. But the decision is too difficult to make. If I make a move to stop one person, I might end up in a conflict. If I make no move, I will be an accessory of destroying the other. I wish I had not been too curious and involved so that I have not heard the whole incident and the plans of the former. Now the situation had affected me because the two people are dear and close to me. I do not dwell much of this because it really stirs me. But I fairly know that whichever I choose to do, there will always be great consequences for everybody.


Patzs said...

What is evil is that when you hurt someone, harm somebody. What the priest, or church or the madre defined as evil is never true.

When you do something that makes you happy, that is good. Irrespective of how the society views it.

Hi Carol! Happy New Year!