Thursday, December 04, 2008

It Might Be

The constant buzzing around numbed me. What's only left is the intention of moving out and starting anew. No other feeling has left this persona except for that thing.

Life has always been good on me but I regret I have not made the most of it. Regreting has always been a part of us. But this time, I can no longer go back and fix everything I did except that I can still construct my own way and follow it. It may not be the one I have been wanting, not the one I have been praying, but at least it's the one worth risking for. I do not know where it will lead me but I cling to believing in the guidance of the highest being.


Anonymous said...

things happened because God allowed it to happen.. no matter how hard you try to plan and think a way how it should be done.. without God's consent.. u will fail..

Chai said...

bitaw ca

bEb said...

haaay... mao jud mga gurlz... we just have to believe that God's plan is at work..