Monday, October 20, 2008


I was busy working with our newsletter when at exactly 2:01PM, I received a message from a friend's friend explaining something which I really don't care at all. How would you react to something that is beyond your control? I mean, this friend of mine has his life and I don't care if he messes it up. It's his. It happened a week ago but it became a big issue in their community today. I was shocked when I received the message. I was emotionally disturbed.

Then here comes his friend explaining his friend's side that I misunderstood his personality. That I misunderstood everything that night. I immediately responded with both tone of sophistication and respect that I do not care who he meets with. Mean but nice. I ignored all the messages but replied once. His friend says he was reprimanded and they talked with their elder brother the whole afternoon. Since then I haven’t received any messages. I still hope everything would come out ok. Haaaay….