Friday, September 19, 2008

Turning Blue to Yellow

Yellow is the color of sunshine. This color is optimistic, upbeat, modern. The energy of yellow can become overwhelming. Therefore yellow is not a color that tends to dominate fashion for long periods of time.

It seems like I have been very expensive this past few days. (I’m running out of budget but worthy anyway) Thea and I met again and had coffee. This time, we were with Ms. Nelia, our very enthusiastic secretary during our ITE years (but of course, she’s still enthusiastic even if she’s not with ITE anymore) We visited our alma mater yesterday wanting to meet the people who molded us as individuals worthy in society. (wooh that sounds a little scary hahaha) But kidding aside, we were very glad we were able to meet them. We had a nice conversation with Sir Yamit, Sir Jerry, and Sir Ex. We were like table-hopping at the faculty room exchanging and extending our greetings and few stories with each other. Time was so short that we have invited Ms. Nel to have chitchats with us. So we met lately.

The coffee and service at Yellow Hauz seemed to improve this time. I have not appreciated them the last two visits I had but this time it did catch me. I asked the lady at the counter their house coffee and she introduced me the Café White Mocha. It was sellable she said. My tastebuds loved it. Conversation followed.

Unlocking one’s suppressions to a friend lighten the burden. I am in my actualization process. I just needed someone to affirm with me so I will be guided in this process. I heard what I have to hear and I found what I have been searching. I am slowly moving toward the right direction. To not think too much. To expect nothing. To be plain living.

I am slowly turning the Blue to Yellow.